Children's Law


The Guardianship Scroll is a toolkit to help litigants navigate minor and adult guardianship cases in Arkansas. This toolkit includes a video and flowchart to help guide you. A link to the official court forms and an interactive packet of guardianship forms is available below.


Answer questions to get a personalized uncontested guardianship packet. This packet includes step-by-step instructions and all the documents you need to file and finalize guardianship of a minor.

Documents included:
-Probate Cover Sheet
-Petition for Guardianship of the Person
-Notice of Hearing and RIghts
-Consent, Waiver of Notice, and Entry of Appearance
-Order Appointing Guardianship of the Person
-Acceptance of Appointment
-Letters of Guardianship
-Sample Annual Report by Guardian
-Letter to Putative Father Registry (in some cases)
-Sample Court Testimony

Visit the Court's website for official probate forms Example affidavit for a medical professional to complete describing a proposed ward's incapacity

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