The role of the Friend of the Court's (FOC) office is to enforce court orders for child support, medical support, custody, parenting time, and spousal support (alimony). The Family Division of the Court conducts the hearing for these cases. The Finance Services unit provides accounting and auditing support for FOC.
Mission of the Courts of Kalamazoo County:
Uphold the law and provide justice for all.
Vision for the Future:
As a leading and innovative court system, our vision is to:
…Enhance public trust, respect and safety.
…Resolve legal matters in a fair and timely manner.
…Promote the success of individuals, families, and youth.
Beginning in March 2021, Kalamazoo County is participating in a new program with the Michigan Office of Child Support and Michigan Works!
Child support payers who have a case in Kalamazoo County may be eligible for free employment services from Michigan Works! to help gain and keep a good paying job. If you are accepted into the program, and while you remain in the program, Kalamazoo County Friend of the Court will work with you to see if your child support can be lowered, your child support arrears owed to the State forgiven, and/or whether enforcement actions can be put on hold to allow you time to complete the employment program. If you are interested, please call 877-543-2660 and ask to be referred to your Enforcement Officer for more information about the L.E.A.P. program. We all want to take the best care of our children. But sometimes it is tough to find decent work and make enough money to support them. Here is a chance to get on a new track for you and your family.
As a LEAP participant, you will be eligible to receive the following services:
To receive LEAP services, you may voluntarily enroll or a judge may refer you into the program as part of a court order. You can speak with your enforcement officer to learn more.