Offline or manual update of ECX Procedures

ECX updates are provided through update packages perform the following steps if you do not have internet access on the ECX to apply updates.

Step By Step

Manually Updating from ECX 2.4 to ECX 2.5

cd /tmp
tar -xvf manual_update_2.5.tar

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
mkdir test
mv *.repo test

Manually Updating ECX with an Update Package from ECX 2.5 to ECX 2.6

Perform the following procedure to update your ECX appliance with an upgrade package.

Note: This procedure can also be used if the default update repository in the ECX web-based management console fails to update your ECX appliance.

Note: Execute yum install unzip to install Unzip if not already present in the ECX installation.

Manually Updating ECX with an Update Package from ECX 2.6 to ECX 2.7

Perform the following procedure to update your ECX appliance with an upgrade package.

Note: This procedure can also be used if the default update repository in the ECX web-based management console fails to update your ECX appliance.

Before You Begin: If updating to a newer version of ECX that was previously updated from ECX 2.5, additional steps are required. On the ECX appliance, navigate to /etc/yum.repos.d/. If the erlang_solutions.repo file is in this location, move the file to /tmp on the appliance before updating.

  1. From a machine with internet access, download the update file from MySupport.
  2. If the update is delivered as a .zip file, unzip the file.
  3. From a supported web browser, access the Administrative Console at the following address: https://:8090/ , where is the IP address of the virtual machine where the application is deployed.
  4. In the login window, select System from the Authentication Type drop-down menu. Enter your password to access the Administration Console. The default password is ecxadLG235.
  5. Click Manage updates . In the Don't want to update ECX to the latest available release? section, select Click here.
  6. Click Choose File, browse for the update file to upload to the appliance, then click Upload Update Image. The update process begins once the update image has been uploaded to the appliance.
  7. If the update fails at this point with error: ', mode 'rb' at (exception)>
yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=localrepo -y groupupdate endeavour-platform ecx adminui

umount /mnt/cslocalupdate
rm -rf /tmp/ecxemi*
rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo

Manually Updating Administrative Console RPMs when Upgrading from ECX 2.6 to 2.7

  1. ​Copy the Administrative Console RPM packages (ecx-adminconsole-2.0.*, ecx-emi-2.0.*, and ecx-catalogmanager-1.0.*) to the appliance’s “/” directory from
  2. Run the following commands as root:
  1. Once complete, clear your browser cache, then log into the updated ECX 2.7 Administrative Console.
  2. Click Product Information, then verify that the RPM packages have been updated.

Note: HTML content from previous versions of ECX may be stored in your browser's cache. Clear your browser's cache before logging in to an updated version of ECX to ensure you are viewing the latest content changes.