When you can apply for a driving licence after a disqualification in the UK will depend on whether or not you are classed as a high risk offender.
You can make an application for a driving licence:
The DVLA state they will send you a D27 renewal form to apply before your disqualification ends.
It is often a lot quicker to just pick up the relevant forms from your local post office as the forms the DVLA are supposed to send automatically often arrive late or not at all.
Applying for your driving licence as early as possible is critical if you want to have a good chance of having your driving licence issued & be able to drive when your disqualification ends.
This is especially true for those classed as high risk offenders who will need to complete the DVLA medical process which can be lengthy and cause delays.
The forms you need will depend on the type of vehicle you are applying for a driving licence for. You can pick the following forms up at your local post office:
You can also order these forms online from the DVLA and have them delivered to you. You can order the driving licence application forms at any time.
You can also view your driving licence online. This is useful for obtaining dates of disqualifications, viewing your driving licence status and your driving entitlements.
Apply for your driving licence as early as you can to avoid disappointment & delays.
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